Thursday, 26 April 2018

FERRUGINOUS HAWK: a rare guest in the mountain valley

The Latin name of this large hawk is Buteo regalis; the royal hawk.There is a good reason for that because this is the largest of all North American hawks.

Here, however, it does not behave in a regal fashion!
It does what all the raptors do before a takeoff: unloads its internal contents; in a very unceremonious fashion.

Each time that you observe this kind of behaviour, prepare to take your photos, the bird is preparing to lift off.
As we all know from the airline regulations "every gram counts" when one travels via air.. 

Lift off it did! 
Leaving this narrow, rocky valley and the very last stretch of beautiful Kootenay River, it started on its last migratory leg - probably seeking the lush meadows of Creston Valley.
All I could say was "See you next year; if we are both lucky." 

Why am I so excited about this bird? 
It used to be quite common but, just like so many other species, its numbers are declining. 
Repeat the mantra: over and over again - habitat destruction, food poisoning and, 
Can you believe that at this date someone still feels the urge to shoot at it (and many other species). They call it sport! I dare to call it ignorance or worse.

In any case - it is flying to more open areas inhabited by ground squirrels, rabbits and voles. Little birds do not need to worry.

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